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Z80 computer that can run CP/M?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:02 pm
by JerryFilemore
I wanted to suggest, a Z80 based computer kit, that can run CP/M.
Maybe even a 8088-based computer? There's a TON of PC/PC-XT software out there!

Re: Z80 computer that can run CP/M?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:39 pm
by Corneleous
JerryFilemore wrote:I wanted to suggest, a Z80 based computer kit, that can run CP/M.
Maybe even a 8088-based computer? There's a TON of PC/PC-XT software out there!

This is quite interesting! The Z80 has a few currently available products- The RC2014, which may or may not be a varient of the N8VEM project. If I were to make one, I think I'd do something a little bit defferent.

A couple years ago, as a design exercise, I cloned Vince Briel's AltairMicro 8800. I have the highest respect for VInce as an engineer, and his products are just interesting and yet practical- awesome stuff. My version of his Altair Micro looks and runs the same, but mine is a different design HW-wise, with two connected PCboards comprising the main computer (one is a power supply and Propeller terminal board, and one is the actual CPU and panel interface), and a third PC board implementing the RAM expansion and emulated disk drives; whereas Vince's is a main board that is the entire computer with panel interface, power supply, propeller, emulated CPU, serial interface; his ram expansion and disk drives are a second, add-on board.. When I designed my hardware, I planned all along for the bottom board (power supply, propeller term, etc.) to be re-usable as a module for more than one computer.

So, if I did a Z-80 computer, I think I'd re-use the power-supply and propeller board, and possibly the ram expansion/disk emulators, but design a unique Z-80 based CPU board. Including a panel is neat, but does drive the cost up significantly: there are a ton of LEDs, but the main cost is from the toggle switches. A monitor program makes a panel obsolete anyways, although it admittedly adds a tangible aspect to the machine. What do you guys think?

The PC/XT clone is VERY interesting to me.. Although- I need to look around and see what's already out there- as there might be companies making small footprint PC compatible boards to support legacy SW?
Great ideas. Keep them coming! :-)