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We proudly sell retro-style computer kits, using the highest quality components we can find!
Send your inquiries to us: Contact Putnam Electronics.
[2024-07-24] We are now once again able to sell PE6502s!
While I never heard back from ReactiveMicro.com, and I don't think they ever geared up to sell our kits, I did find a large box of PE6502 "Blue" boards. I have decided to sell these as "Short Kits": A short kit consists of 1 "BLUE" PE6502 PC board, 1 PS/2 connector, and both ROMs pre-programmed. (You will need to source all of the other parts/components, which are readily available, off-the-shelf items, and are listed in the PE6502 Assembly Manual available on our Products page.)
The short kit price will be $20.00 USD, plus add the actual shipping price (around 11 USD to anywhere in the continental USA). Please email for more details if you're interested.
[2020-02-13] Good news: ReactiveMicro.com will be selling our kits very soon! Check them out here: ReactiveMicro. This will free us up to design more products, and they are equipped to be more responsive to sales- a win-win!
[2019-11-17] All: We are currently taking a break in sales. Workload at my main employment (putnamelectronics.com has always been a side-project for me- for the love of the game!) has become such that I do not want to take on additional orders at this time. We have currently shipped all pending orders, and will not take any more orders until we return to "actively selling" status! Please check back from time to time! Thank you for all that have bought our PE6502 kits- there are well over 100 of you out there programming a 6502 with yours!! I never could have imagined what started out as just a breadboard project would have turned out this wonderful!!! Please do feel free to contact me with questions, etc.
Our booth at the National Electronics Museum (RobotFest show) was a success!

!UPDATE! 2019-03-27 FINALLY! The 3D printed PE6502 cases are here!!!
We're awaiting stock of these, but here's the prototype.. These should be ready for sale around the end of April 2019... The sides of the case overhang, which allows for both heat venting, and also ribbon cables can pass through (in case you're using the expansion or serial headers) The front door is removable, and also allows for user customization (install a toggle switch or segment LED here, etc.) Not shown here, sliding switches attach to the case, and will press the reset buttons when activated, so these buttons are still usable when the case is installed.
!UPDATE! 2019-02-23 We've now sold over 100 kits!!! Thank you all so much!
Coming soon - updated propeller firmware, with character control of the cursor! Now in test! Once released, we'll offer it here for download- it can be updated to your PE6502 through the serial connector.
!UPDATE! 2018-07-07 New cost-reduced version of the PE6502 available!
Now when you order a PE6502, please specify whether you'd like to order the original "purple" (made in USA PCboard version) for the same original $130 price, or the new "blue" (boards outsourced, everything else identical) for $110! Prices include shipping in USA, international orders please contact us for actual price including shipping.
!UPDATE! 2018-02-17 NEW PRODUCTS, for sale SOON:
1) Zeta2 Z80-CP/M Computer, assembly-required kit! (will be available soon!)
2) SwinSID Nano Soundcard, assembly-required kit (for the PE6502 Computer! Status: still prototyping!)
3) 3D printed case/enclosure for PE6502! (status: still prototyping!)
**Please see our web forum (on the support page) for more details!**
We are currently selling single-board computer assembly-required kits!
Frustrated by the current lack of high-quality, standardized, build-it-yourself electronics kits,
we've started to make our own kits available. These products are perfect for both educational use, and for hobbyists
alike. Be sure to check out our projects page while you're here.